*All the Magical Oil is made from these Family Strains in the Photos*

Hustlers 'N' Healers is an awareness movement. Lost Coast Boutique Cannabis Farmers would like to share the awareness in that choosing  Organic, Small batch, Sun Grown Cannabis from seed, you are choosing the most healing medicine. Natural Healing for the mind and body in comparison to the industrialized Cannabis product that are more readily available on the market. I would like to share a short History from my perspective of growing up among a community of Lost Coast Farmers. Also I attempted to summarize key points that I feel are most important surrounding  Cannabis now. Hustlers are hard working people that get up everyday and do their best in these pressing times. A time where multiple  skills, educated discernment  of so much information, and diverse perspective are most necessary, for health and survival. Learning and Hustling every day to progress. Healers are these same people that have created a a healthy thriving life through the knowledge and skills gained for them selves and for others. There is some Hustle and Healing within you as well for taking the time and intention to read this perspective and help create awareness.
For almost 50 years, The Lost Coast area of Northern California has been the original home of Sensimilla and center of Marijuana farming in the United States. The USA has a long history in the growing and dependency on hemp as a fiber and as a medicine. Government control on drugs, cotton and big oil had completely eliminated the hemp industry and halted all research in the healing benefits of Marijuana. from this gap in history emerged the diverse collection of back to the land Americans that were escaping social norms and all any and all forms of government control. With the true independent American drive in their hearts, baby boomers (Via San Fransisco) came from all over the U.S. and a few from other countries, determined to create sustainable communities. The original desire to open up the lands of northern California in the 1960s was not to become outlaw pot growers. The original desire was to find a way to live simply connected with the earth and community and raise and educate children with truth and equality. There were established fishing, farming, logging and livestock raising families in the open mountains and river valleys but the rocky inaccessible steep lands of the Lost Coast area were not ideal for any of these practices. The hills had been logged twice over in the last 20 years to the point of devastation due to the gold rush and the logging economy was almost dead.  The rivers had become full of silt from the bad logging practices depleting the fishing industry. Most lands owned by logging companies that no longer had use for the land. The small amount of lands that were sold to private parties were raw with little or no access. Hooking up to grid power or phone lines was not possible and water was attainable only by the know how to run personal systems. In many areas the nearest towns were hours away over windy one lane roads and the nearest city’s being several hours away. The land was affordable because in these times they were essentially with out practical worth. People came to the area to find the peace and quit and simple life these inconveniences provided. In the late 1960s the country folk of these wild lands found that the temperate rain forest climate lent it’s self perfectly to the cultivation of Sensimilla. 

Sensimilla being the practice of separating female and male weed plants to stop pollination in every flower to create beautiful seedless flower buds. I believe most growers started growing for pure love of smoking Ganja. Most strains at that time were Sativa that had been cultivated and perfected over hundreds of years in India, Mexico and the Caribbean but there had not been a seedless strain yet. Sensimilla being the Spanish word for seedless. The first book was written about Sensimilla in 1976. Lost Coast farmers had been practicing the technique since 1969. Indica strains came into the mix years later, but that’s another story. When Sensimiila came to the Lost Coast and most people where scraping by financially no mater how rich their ideals were, this illegal practice became appealing. This illegal and risky herb grew well on the side of a rocky mountain even in extreme winds and fog and heat. Regardless of the level of agricultural skills and the hard labor involved, because of the risks, the personal bravery it took is what the product rare and valuable. Essentially, farmers were putting their homes and family's freedom at risk in order to prosper. The herb was valuable enough to support a family and a communities needs. Schools, volunteer fire departments, community centers and the dreams of the alternative lifestyle became reachable. From the early to late 70s, organic family farmers of the Lost Coast created some of the very first seedless Cannabis strains and their own sub culture. 
For the next 50 years for the Marijuana farmers there would be many blessings and light that is counter balanced with the dark circumstances that products deemed illegal bring to communities. On one hand, Families were able to stay home and raise and educate their children together. Beautiful, healthy homes and farms were built and many centers of communities were brought to life with the love and hard work of volunteers. Art, music and dance festivals created to benefit community services have been a way of life. Most of the youth have had the ability to go to college and have exceeded due to the individual attention given at local schools. Most all the farmers have had some ability to travel and get some perspective of the world. This was all made possible by the hard work and sacrifices of land owners, farmers and dedicated community members. Almost every business in Northern California contributed to an economy that depends on the success of Cannabis farming. On the other hand, the dark territory of the risks of being outlaws created a culture in which generations of people have dealt with severe trauma. Tormented with helicopters and raids. Farmers having themselves and their children being held at gun point on their own lands while their farms are vandalized and their hard earned belongings confiscated in the name of the Prohibition. Friends have been murdered over cash and families have members have gone to jail over a medicinal plant. Rip offs and violent conflicts always hover over cash businesses. Endless are the hardships faced by a community of farmers that chooses to produce an herb that is so powerful, desired and controversial. By the second generation of family farming, Cannabis became all young people had known and all that was available as far as local work among the still very rural area. Along with the illegal aspects farmers faced, there have always been the natural challenges of mother earth such as, bugs, rats, deer, bush bunnies, wild pig, molds and pests. Any farmer knows every season holds risk in loosing everything naturally and the illegal rural farmer has many more added risks to the process. Between natural and illegal risks some farmers have lost a everything more then once and started over with only the knowledge, skills and determination it takes to keep the traditional farming going. The love and belief in Mother Cannabis has held a strong tradition and many families have continued their ways despite the struggles. Lost Coast farmers have continued to move forward bending with all the harsh winds to produce high quality natural herb. 

Now that Cannabis is legalized on a state level it can be researched and tested and it has proven to be one of the most healing medicines on the planet with uses for numerous illnesses. Though there is a level of legalization that has caused a boom in the production of marijuana the yet to be reasonable regulations and permitting process are too expensive in their current state to work for the small family farmer. Permits are very costly or unavailable to farmers who live among the steep rocky lands of the Lost Coast. Most industrial farming is done in the flat valleys of Southern and Central California, Colorado, Oregon Washington and Canada etc. Much of available Cannabis is being grown under lights in indoor warehouses with controlled climate and pesticides by low paid workers. Many people are unaware that Sun Grown Cannabis is very different, possible and available and much better for medicine. These industrial grows are owned by large corporations that can afford to offer prices so low that it pushes the market price down so that even large Cannabis collectives doing all the right permitting processes cannot compete. Though many people and states are fighting for the medicine to be available, it is not federally recognized as legal so, only the big businesses that can afford the investment risks can keep up with the changes in the industry. When and if Cannabis is legalized across the nation there will be real distribution possible and the markets can open up. Medicine could be available to everyone and competition could be based on quality instead of who can produce at the lowest price. Western Medicine can no longer deny that there are so many ailments that Cannabinoids can help heal and relieve. Cannabis research is continually finding facts and evolving and drug companies will continually try to suppress the knowledge and the prohibition of Cannabis. These pharmaceutical corporations cannot have the people healing naturally from a plant when there are so many prescription drugs to be sold. The medicine that Cannabis provides could eliminate the need for scores of prescription, over the counter drugs and cancer treatments also eliminating revenue. There is a fundamental conflict of interest between corporate money and greed and traditional Cannabis farming and natural healing alternatives.

 When it comes to medicine Lost Coast farmers believe that their family strains produce some of the best medicine and recreational herb in the world! The balance between THC and CBD and the other components is perfection. When a plant is grown from seed for generations with only the health and beauty of the flower in mind, Lost Coast Farmers believe this is the truest medicine for mind and body. Each plant given individual energy on a small farm to be handled with love and care by a few select traditionally skilled people. The natural practice of saving the best male plants and their pollen to pollinate the best female plants of the season every new season is now a rare practice. The new industrialized practices is to take female plants under indoors lights and make cuttings from the same plants repetitively. These cuttings are called clones. Clones can invite genetic weaknesses and evolved pests from a man made season that never ends. A plant grown from seed in a natural season has the Strength to with stand winds, cold and molds and many forms of mother natures challenges. The weaker clones create for example the need for plastic trellises’, plastic greenhouses and fossil fuel heat and lights. Seed genetics don’t just get stronger they get smarter. When grown in the same climate for generations the genetics adapt  and become prone to  to the challenges of  its local environment  such as severe winds. The most wonderful thing about growing plants that originate from a healthy seed is its ability to be resilient to pests and molds eliminating the need for excessive harmful pesticides and spays. Marijuana buds grown from a seed in the sun may not look as sexy in comparison to a clone or an indoor grown flower bud.  There may not appear to be as much sparkly resin content on a sun grown, seed grown bud, but appearance doesn't always translate to a better Medicine or a better high. Although each seed grown plant is  beautiful and unique compared to an identical clone cutting. There is some Organic,  beautifully done clone Cannabis grown by Boutique farmers. Clones have become a way of cultivating the same results, look and consistency that Americans feel comfortable with. Comfort is ok, but the  benefits gained for the body and environment  gained by choosing weed from seed is what this awareness movement is about.

Lost Coast Boutique Cannabis farmers are proud to share the knowledge of what they have gained and endured through the practice of traditional cannabis farming. There are so many positive aspects to the movement of legalization of cannabis but as farmers trying to survive and move forward, times are tough and confusing. Big money and business have moved into the Cannabis markets and have made prices too low for the small traditional family farmer to bare. Lost Coast Boutique Farmers hope that people who understand the difference between what the new industrial companies produce and what we have been naturally producing for almost 50 years will choose and ask for: Traditional, Organic, Lost Coast, Boutique Cannabis! There is so much more that can be shared about a long history, a sustainable practice and a future only mother Cannabis knows. At this point in time Lost Coast Boutique Farmers would just like to have the ability to keep doing what they do best; create Cannabis products grown organically by the sun for wellness, from seed for strength and from love for magic. Thanks again for taking the time to read this to create awareness, now go and enjoy every moment and your Lost Coast, Boutique farmed, Cannabis!


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